Displaying memory status with VB.NET


When ScriptEZ.API based script file is running, an identification area is appended

to the system menu of the console windows as following:



Imports System

Imports System.Threading



' Author: SY

' Demo ScriptEZ.API based application which uses facilities from RAD API:

' . Memory Status Probing

' . Thread Pool usage

' . Echo() method usage which displays always messages into a console window

' . ScriptEZ.API Remoting Control Interface usage by NPTelnet.exe program

'   (Connect to ScriptEZ.API process with <processid (PID)> as connection name)


' Purpose: Displays memory usage info. from VB.NET/COM Interop




Module Module1

 Dim WithEvents obj As SCRIPTEZLib.API

 Dim exitProcess As Long

 Dim hThreadPool

 Dim oThread As Thread


 ' Main entry of the app

 Sub Main()


     exitProcess = 0


     ' Detach a new thread for instantiating ScriptEZ.API component

     oThread = New Thread(AddressOf WorkerThread)


     ' explicit thread apartment affinity to MTA (Multi Threaded Apartment)

     ' [ aka CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED) in C/C++]



     ' start the thread



     ' Endlessly loop until AppEventID = 3 sent from user with Remoting Control Interface

     Do Until exitProcess = 3





 End Sub


 ' .NET thread procedure

 Public Sub WorkerThread()


     ' instantiating the component

     obj = New SCRIPTEZLib.API



     Dim r

     ' creating a thread pool object and start a job

     hThreadPool = obj.CreateTaskQueueObject(1)

     r = obj.AddTask(hThreadPool, 0)


     Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green


 End Sub


 ' Remoting Control Interface callback

 Private Function obj_AppEventHelp() As String Handles obj.AppEventHelp

     obj_AppEventHelp = CStr("Help" + vbLf + "Enter <3> to exit app")

 End Function


 ' Remoting Control Interface callback

 Private Sub obj_onAppEvent(ByVal EventID As Integer) Handles obj.onAppEvent

     exitProcess = EventID

 End Sub


 ' Thread pool callback

 Private Function obj_onRun(ByVal task_local_storage As Integer) As Integer Handles obj.onRun


   Thread.Sleep(1000) ' pause 1 second



   obj.SetConsoleTitle("Memory Observer: " + CStr(obj.ProbeMemoryStatus(0)) + "% of memory is in use")

   obj.Echo(vbLf + " Number of worker threads: " + CStr(obj.ProbeMemoryStatus(-4)) + vbLf)

   obj.Echo(vbLf + " " + CStr(obj.ProbeMemoryStatus(0)) + "% of memory is in use")

   obj.Echo(vbLf + " " + FormatNumber(obj.ProbeMemoryStatus(1), 0, 0, -2) + " Total Kbytes of physical memory")

   obj.Echo(vbLf + " " + FormatNumber(obj.ProbeMemoryStatus(2), 0, 0, -2) + " Free  Kbytes of physical memory")

   obj.Echo(vbLf + " " + FormatNumber(obj.ProbeMemoryStatus(3), 0, 0, -2) + " Total Kbytes of paging file")

   obj.Echo(vbLf + " " + FormatNumber(obj.ProbeMemoryStatus(4), 0, 0, -2) + " Free  Kbytes of paging file")

   obj.Echo(vbLf + " " + FormatNumber(obj.ProbeMemoryStatus(5), 0, 0, -2) + " Total Kbytes of virtual memory")

   obj.Echo(vbLf + " " + FormatNumber(obj.ProbeMemoryStatus(6), 0, 0, -2) + " Free  Kbytes of virtual memory" + vbLf)

   obj.Echo(vbLf + " " + FormatNumber(obj.ProbeMemoryStatus(7), 0, 0, -2) + " Kbytes in use by current process")

   obj_onRun = CLng(1) ' iterate this task again


 End Function


End Module