
ScriptEZ.API component exposes two public COM ( Component Object Model ) interfaces.

The first one ( namely IAPI ) contains several properties and methods which can be directly invoked by the client side from within whatever programming language it is designed and coded, providing that only this language supports COM middleware.

The second one ( namely _IAPIEvents )  must or can be implemented and installed from within client code in order to receive or to exchange asynchronously information, data and behaviour with the component at runtime. It serves as a callback interface.


         IAPI                1. synchronous call and get (direct client side invocation)


*  Application domain

*  Console, Windowing, Time, User inactivity

*  String and BSTR (Basic String) utils

*  TCP/IP domain

*  Named Pipes domain

*  Thread Pool domain

*  SQLite 3.x.x domain

*  Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) domain

*  Common Dialogs, Local File Operations

*  Local and Remote resources lock/unlock over COM/DCOM

*  IFilter domain

*  Http File Reading and Ftp File Downloading/Uploading

*  XML Stream Reading

*  ServerDoc Application

*  Index Server Application ( fulltext search )



         _IAPIEvents    2. asynchronous call and be called back (component side invocation)


*  TCP/IP domain

*  Thread Pool domain

*  Named Pipes domain

*  Application domain

*  ServerDoc App domain