HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Downloader.


When ScriptEZ.API based script file is running, an identification area is appended

to the system menu of the console windows as following:




' Author: SYO

' Copyright (c) 2012

' ScriptEZ.API based application which uses facilities from RAD API about:

' . File + Directory stuff

' . File reading from http/https or ftp sites

' . Thread pool

' . Echo() method usage which displays always messages into a console window

'   instead of WScript.Echo() with 2 behaviours for cscript.exe or wscript.exe

' . ScriptEZ.API Remoting Control Interface usage by NPTelnet.exe program

'   (Connect to ScriptEZ.API process with <processid (PID)> as connection name)


' Purpose: A simple way to download a file from a public Http Website



const SCRIPTEZ_API = "ScriptEZ.API" ' Component name

const VERSION      = "Simple Http Downloader - version 1.8"

const VERSION_FTP  = "Simple Ftp Downloader - version 1.8"

Dim ScriptEZMain

Dim fso

Dim localFilename

Dim ftpFileSize

Dim ftpFile


' start the script




' Main Subroutine


Sub Main()


  Dim url, RemoteFilename


  Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

  If( objArgs.Count < 2 OR objArgs.Count > 3) Then

   MsgBox "Oops !" + vbLF  + vbLF + _

          "Available command line syntaxes:" + vbLF + _

          ". HttpDownload <HttpWebsite_or_FtpSite/Filename> <LocalFullFilename> or" + vbLF + _

          ". HttpDownload <HttpWebsite_or_FtpSite> <FullFilename> <LocalFullFilename>" + vbLF + vbLF + _

          "For example," + vbLF + "downloading " + _

            Chr(34) + " or" + Chr(34)+ vbLF + _

          "file must be entered like below:" + vbLF + vbLF + _

          "(1) HttpDownload c:\temp\ or" + vbLF + _

          "(2) HttpDownload / c:\temp\" + vbLF + _

          "(3) HttpDownload c:\temp\" + vbLF + _

          "(4) HttpDownload / c:\temp\" + vbLF, _

          vbInformation, _


   Exit Sub

  End If


  Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

  Set fso      = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


  Dim Windir

  Dim FullQualifiedEngineName

  ' if Win64, restart with WScript.exe/CScript.exe 32 bits

  On Error Resume Next

  Windir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WinDir%")

  FullQualifiedEngineName = Windir+"\SysWOW64" + Mid(WScript.FullName,InStrRev(WScript.FullName,"\"),Len(WScript.FullName))

  If fso.FolderExists(Windir+"\SysWOW64") And LCase(WScript.FullName) <>  LCase(FullQualifiedEngineName) Then

    If objArgs.Count = 2 Then

        cmdOptions = objArgs(0) + " " + objArgs(1)


        cmdOptions = objArgs(0) + " " + objArgs(1) + objArgs(2)

    End If

    WshShell.Run FullQualifiedEngineName + " " + Chr(34) + CStr(WScript.ScriptFullName) + Chr(34) + " " + cmdOptions

    Exit Sub

  End If


  Dim protocol_http

  protocol_http = 1

  ' case 1: complete URL

  If objArgs.Count = 2 Then

    pos = InStr(objArgs(0),"//")

    If pos = 7 or pos = 6 or pos = 5 Then

      url =  Mid(objArgs(0),pos+2,Len(objArgs(0))-pos)

      pos2 = InStr(url,"/")

      RemoteFilename =  Mid(url,pos2,Len(objArgs(0))-(pos2-1))

      If pos = 6 Then

        url = "http://" + Mid(url,1,pos2-1)  ' The Http is used

      ElseIf pos = 7 Then

        url = "https://" + Mid(url,1,pos2-1) ' The Https is used


        url = "ftp://" + Mid(url,1,pos2-1)   ' The Ftp is used

        protocol_http = 0

      End If


      pos = InStr(objArgs(0),"/")

      RemoteFilename =  Mid(objArgs(0),pos,Len(objArgs(0))-(pos-1))

      url = Mid(objArgs(0),1,pos-1)

    End If

    localFilename = objArgs(1)


  ' case 2: separated website and remotefilename

    url = objArgs(0)

    RemoteFilename = objArgs(1)

    localFilename = objArgs(2)

    If InStr(url,"ftp://") = 1 Then protocol_http = 0 ' The Ftp is used

  End If


  Set WshShell  = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

  If protocol_http = 0 Then

    ' force to use MTA (Multi Threaded Apartment)

    WshShell.RegWrite "HKCR\CLSID\{01947673-ADB3-48F4-A162-CF06BB23CBCD}\InprocServer32\ThreadingModel", _

                      "Free", _


  End If


  On Error Resume Next

  ' attempt to instantiate component object with callback interface

  Set ScriptEZMain = WScript.CreateObject(SCRIPTEZ_API,"ScriptEZMain_")

  If protocol_http = 0 Then

    ' restore to STA (Single Threaded Apartment)

    WshShell.RegWrite "HKCR\CLSID\{01947673-ADB3-48F4-A162-CF06BB23CBCD}\InprocServer32\ThreadingModel",_

                      "Both", _


  End If

  Set WshShell = Nothing


  If Not IsObject(ScriptEZMain) Then

    MsgBox "Please, download and register " + SCRIPTEZ_API + _

           " component from and try again...",vbInformation,VERSION_HTTP

    Exit Sub

  End If



  ScriptEZMain.SetCPUCoreAffinity "0"

  ' Register App for receiving AppEvent(s) with onAppEvent(EventID)



  If protocol_http = 1 Then


   ' http file reading....

   httpFileHandle = ScriptEZMain.OpenHttpFile(url,RemoteFilename)

   If httpFileHandle <= 0 Then


    Set ScriptEZMain = Nothing

    Exit Sub

   End If 


   r = ScriptEZMain.HttpReadFile(httpFileHandle)

   If r = 1 Then

    If fso.FileExists(localFilename)  Then

     Set zFile = fso.GetFile(localFilename)


     Set zFile = Nothing

    End If


    Dim hBinaryFile, Slash, r, ret, rawData, readBytes, readTotalBytes

    Dim fileSize

    fileSize = 0


    If Len(localFilename) > 0 then

     hBinaryFile = ScriptEZMain.OpenBinaryFile(localFilename)

     If hBinaryFile > 0 Then

      startTime = ScriptEZMain.GetTimeStampEx(1)

      If ScriptEZMain.ProbeMemoryStatus(-2) >= 2298 Then

       fileSize = ScriptEZMain.HttpReadFile(-httpFileHandle) ' get this file size in Bytes or KBytes

      End If

      rawData = ScriptEZMain.HttpGetReadBufferAsBinary(httpFileHandle)

      readBytes = ScriptEZMain.HttpGetReadBytes(httpFileHandle)

      readTotalBytes = readBytes

      ScriptEZMain.Echo vbLF + VERSION_HTTP + vbLF+". Writing into: " + localFilename

      Slash =""

      If InStr(objArgs(1),"/") <> 1 Then Slash ="/" ' Cosmetic displaying !!

       Dim TotalSize

       TotalSize = 0

       Do Until readBytes <= 0

        If fileSize > 0 Then

         ScriptEZMain.SetConsoleTitle CStr(FormatNumber(readTotalBytes/1024,0,0,-2)) + _

                                      " / "+ CStr(FormatNumber(fileSize,0,0,-2)) + _

                                      " (" + CStr(Fix((TotalSize/fileSize)*100)) + "%) KBytes read from " + _

                                      objArgs(0)+ Slash + objArgs(1)

        ElseIf fileSize < 0 Then

         ScriptEZMain.SetConsoleTitle CStr(FormatNumber(readTotalBytes/1024,0,0,-2)) + _

                                      " / "+ CStr(fileSize) + " Bytes read from " + objArgs(0)+ Slash + objArgs(1)


         ScriptEZMain.SetConsoleTitle CStr(FormatNumber(readTotalBytes/1024,0,0,-2)) + _

                                      " KBytes read from " + objArgs(0)+ Slash + objArgs(1)

        End If

        ret = ScriptEZMain.WriteBinaryFile(hBinaryFile,rawData,readBytes)


        r = ScriptEZMain.HttpReadFile(httpFileHandle)

        rawData = ScriptEZMain.HttpGetReadBufferAsBinary(httpFileHandle)

        readBytes = ScriptEZMain.HttpGetReadBytes(httpFileHandle)

        If readBytes > 1024 Then TotalSize = TotalSize + (readBytes/1024)

         If readBytes = 0 Then

          endTime = ScriptEZMain.GetTimeStampEx(1)

          ScriptEZMain.Echo ". Download succeeded (" + CStr(FormatNumber(readTotalBytes/1024,0,0,-2)) + " KBytes read)"

          ScriptEZMain.Echo ". Taken time  : " + ScriptEZMain.GetTimeDiff(endTime,startTime) + " (hh:mn:ss.mss)"


          readTotalBytes = readTotalBytes + readBytes

         End If



       MsgBox "Creating local file " + localFilename + " failed !",vbExclamation,VERSION_HTTP

      End If

     End If

    End If

    ScriptEZMain.CloseBinaryFile hBinaryFile

    ScriptEZMain.CloseHttpFile httpFileHandle




    hFtpConnection = ScriptEZMain.OpenFtpConnection(url,"","")

    If hFtpConnection > 0 Then

     ScriptEZMain.Echo vbLF + VERSION_FTP + vbLF+". Writing into: " + localFilename

     hThreadPool = ScriptEZMain.CreateTaskQueueObject(1)

     r = ScriptEZMain.AddTask(hThreadPool,5000)

     ' get remote file size from Ftp Server

     ftpFileSize = ScriptEZMain.FtpDownloadFile(hFtpConnection,RemoteFilename,"")

     If(ftpFileSize<0) Then

      ' file size is over 4 GBytes

      hugeSize = ScriptEZMain.FtpFileSize(hFtpConnection,RemoteFilename)

      ftpFileSize = CDbl(hugeSize)

      ScriptEZMain.FreeBSTR hugeSize

     End If

     ' call and block till end

     r = ScriptEZMain.FtpDownloadFile(hFtpConnection,RemoteFilename,localFilename)

     ScriptEZMain.CloseFtpConnection hFtpConnection

     If r = 1 Then

      ScriptEZMain.Echo vbLF + "ftp downloading succeeded..."


      ScriptEZMain.Echo vbLF + "ftp downloading failed..."

     End If

    End If


   End If

  ' App unregister before ending


  WScript.Sleep 500

  Set ScriptEZMain = Nothing


End Sub



Function ScriptEZMain_onRun(timeout)


  WScript.Sleep timeout


  ' check whether local file is already created

  If Not fso.FileExists(localFilename) Then

    ScriptEZMain_onRun = CLng(1)

    Exit Function

  End If


  If Not IsObject(ftpFile) Then

   ' create object once

   Set ftpFile = fso.GetFile(localFilename)

  End If

  fileSize  = ftpFile.Size

  If ftpFileSize > 0 Then

   ScriptEZMain.SetConsoleTitle "FTP downloading in progress: " + _

                                CStr(FormatNumber(fileSize/1024,0,0,-2)) + "/" + _

                                CStr(FormatNumber(ftpFileSize/1024,0,0,-2)) + " KBytes (" + _

                                CStr(Fix((fileSize/ftpFileSize)*100)) + "%)"

  End If

  ScriptEZMain_onRun = CLng(1)


End Function