Simple WebService Data Consumer (Geolocation).



' Author: SYO

' Copyright (c) 2012

' ScriptEZ.API based application which uses facilities from RAD API:

' . Demoing a "Web Service Consumer"

' . Echo() method usage which displays always messages into a console window

'   instead of WScript.Echo() with 2 behaviours for cscript.exe or wscript.exe

' . ScriptEZ.API Remoting Control Interface usage by NPTelnet.exe program

'   (Connect to ScriptEZ.API process with <processid (PID)> as connection name)


' Purpose: Request for a Geolocalisation from a Web Service located at:




' These below consts can be modified

' --begin

const METHOD = "POST"             ' "POST" or "GET"

const HEADER = "0"                ' size of header area in byte

const URL    = ""


' POST method

const POST_VARS = ""              ' Each variable must be encoded with URLEncode()

const RAW_REMOTEFILENAME = "/geoipservice.asmx/GetGeoIPContext"


' GET method

const REMOTEFILENAME     = "/geoipservice.asmx/GetGeoIPContext?"

' --end


const SCRIPTEZ_API = "ScriptEZ.API" ' Component name

Dim ScriptEZ 

' start the script




' Main Subroutine


Sub Main()


  Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

  Set fso      = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


  Dim Windir

  Dim FullQualifiedEngineName

  '-- if Win64, restart with WScript.exe/CScript.exe 32 bits

  On Error Resume Next

  Windir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WinDir%")

  FullQualifiedEngineName = Windir+"\SysWOW64" + Mid(WScript.FullName,InStrRev(WScript.FullName,"\"),Len(WScript.FullName))

  If fso.FolderExists(Windir+"\SysWOW64") And _

     LCase(WScript.FullName) <>  LCase(FullQualifiedEngineName) And _

     fso.FileExists(FullQualifiedEngineName) = True Then

    WshShell.Run FullQualifiedEngineName + " " + Chr(34) + CStr(WScript.ScriptFullName) + Chr(34)

    Exit Sub

  End If


  On Error Resume Next

  '-- attempt to instantiate component object with callback interface

  Set ScriptEZ = WScript.CreateObject(SCRIPTEZ_API)


  If Not IsObject(ScriptEZ) Then

    MsgBox "Please, download and register " + SCRIPTEZ_API + _

           " component from and try again...",vbInformation

    Exit Sub

  End If



  ScriptEZ.SetCPUCoreAffinity "0"

  '-- Register App for receiving AppEvent(s) with onAppEvent(EventID)



  Dim readTotalBytes, readBytes, xmlObject

  Dim xml_response

  readTotalBytes = 0

  xmlObject      = 0

  '-- endless loop

  Do Until 0

   '-- http file opening and executing

   If( METHOD = "GET") Then

     '-- (1) using GET method for sending request

     httpFileHandle = ScriptEZ.OpenHttpFile(URL,REMOTEFILENAME,CLng(HEADER))


   ElseIf(METHOD = "POST") Then

     '-- (2) using POST method for sending request

     httpFileHandle = ScriptEZ.OpenHttpAndPost(URL,RAW_REMOTEFILENAME,POST_VARS,"","",CLng(HEADER))


   End If


   xml_response = ""

   If httpFileHandle > 0 Then

     '-- http file reading

     r = ScriptEZ.HttpReadFile(httpFileHandle)

     If r = 1 Then

        readBytes = ScriptEZ.HttpGetReadBytes(httpFileHandle)

        readTotalBytes = readTotalBytes + readBytes


        '-- if more than one reading operation, iterate into this loop

        Do Until readBytes <= 0

         '-- http file fetching data

         data_chunk = ScriptEZ.HttpGetReadBufferAsBSTR(httpFileHandle)

         xml_response = xml_response + data_chunk

         ScriptEZ.FreeBSTR data_chunk


         If readTotalBytes < 1024 Then

           ScriptEZ.SetConsoleTitle CStr(FormatNumber(readTotalBytes,0,0,-2)) + " Bytes read from " + _

                                        URL + Title + " by HTTP/" + METHOD


           ScriptEZ.SetConsoleTitle CStr(FormatNumber(readTotalBytes/1024,0,0,-2)) + _

                                        " KBytes (" +  CStr(readTotalBytes) + " Bytes) read from " + _

                                        URL + Title + " by HTTP/" + METHOD

         End If


         '-- http file reading   

         r = ScriptEZ.HttpReadFile(httpFileHandle)

         readBytes = ScriptEZ.HttpGetReadBytes(httpFileHandle)

         readTotalBytes = readTotalBytes + readBytes


     End If

     '-- http file closing

     ScriptEZ.CloseHttpFile httpFileHandle

   End If 


   If httpFileHandle > 0 Then


       '-- displaying data here....

       If xmlObject <= 0 Then

         xmlObject = ScriptEZ.CreateXMLObject(xml_response)


         r = ScriptEZ.PopulateXMLObject(xmlObject,xml_response)

       End If

       IP = ScriptEZ.NamedItemValueFromElement(xmlObject,"IP","<text/>")

       CountryName = ScriptEZ.NamedItemValueFromElement(xmlObject,"CountryName","<text/>")

       CountryCode = ScriptEZ.NamedItemValueFromElement(xmlObject,"CountryCode","<text/>")

       ScriptEZ.Echo vbLF + " . Own Memory in use  : "  + CStr(FormatNumber(ScriptEZ.ProbeMemoryStatus(7)/1024,2)) +  " KBytes" + vbLF

       ScriptEZ.Echo vbLF + " . Your GeoIdentity is"

       ScriptEZ.Echo vbLF + "   Public IP..........: " + IP

       ScriptEZ.Echo vbLF + "   CountryName........: " + CountryName + " (" + CountryCode + ")"

       ScriptEZ.FreeBSTR IP

       ScriptEZ.FreeBSTR CountryName

       ScriptEZ.FreeBSTR CountryCode

   End If


   '-- pause 5 seconds

   WScript.Sleep 5000



  '-- App unregister before ending


  Set ScriptEZ = Nothing


End Sub


Function GetMyPublicIP()


   '-- using GET method for sending request

   local_httpFileHandle = ScriptEZ.OpenHttpFile("","",0)

   response = "n.a"

   If local_httpFileHandle > 0 Then

     '-- http file reading

     r = ScriptEZ.HttpReadFile(local_httpFileHandle)

     If r = 1 Then

         read = ScriptEZ.HttpGetReadBytes(local_httpFileHandle)

         '-- http file fetching ip string as

         data_chunk = ScriptEZ.HttpGetReadBufferAsBSTR(local_httpFileHandle)

         response = data_chunk

         ScriptEZ.FreeBSTR data_chunk

     End If

     '-- http file closing

     ScriptEZ.CloseHttpFile local_httpFileHandle

   End If 

   GetMyPublicIP = response


End Function